“I drink to make other people more interesting.”
A legendary drinker, Ernest Hemingway was so partial to a daiquiri—served cold, strong and sour—that Cuban bartender Costantino Ribalaigua of Havana’s famed El Floridita created the Papa Doble (also known as the Hemingway Daiquiri) just for him.
The Papa Doble
or the Hemingway Daiquiri
• 3 oz white rum
• 1.5 oz fresh grapefruit juice
• 0.75 oz fresh lime juice
• 0.5 oz maraschino liqueur
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Or, for Hemingway’s preferred frozen version, combine with half a cup of ice in a blender.
(For a lighter, sweeter daiquiri, use two ounces of rum and add a quarter ounce of simple syrup.)