Hanky Panky

The classic Hanky Panky cocktail created by Ada Coleman, the head bartender at the London Savoy’s groundbreaking American Bar from 1903 to 1926. Joanne Sasvari photo

As bar manager of the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel in London, Ada Coleman created this simple, yet complex cocktail that is considered one of the great classics. Don’t be tempted to skip the orange peel garnish – it’s what magically ties all the flavours together

• 1.5 oz (45 mL) gin
• 1.5 oz (45 mL) sweet vermouth
• 2 dashes Fernet Branca

Place all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Twist a slice of orange peel over the drink, releasing the essential oils over the surface and drop the peel in. Serves 1.

—by Ada Coleman

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